Welcome to the journey of truth with jba >>>>>>>>>>
Group No. 1
We should stop
We have witnessed wastage of paper in our own school and locality under heading SAVE PAPER . But we don't believe in fake promises ,we do what we have given to, taking care of what not to do. We have seen people wasting paper like its free and cost nothing but if this is the condition one day none can guarantee . Taking this in mind and to bring back the price and respect paper worth we have taken charge of the whole middle section and all the places possible near our locality to not just "speak what we respect but respect what we speak."
This link might acknowledge you further- -http://www.paperbecause.com/knowledge-center/it-s-the-most-recycled-product-on-the-planet-
Many of us throw paper in our recycling bins without too much thought, but believe it or not, people have been making paper for 2000 years. In the U.S., we’ve been recycling it for more than 100 years. Paper recycling might seem like the sort of thing best left to paper mills, but it turns out you can recycle your own paper at home without too much trouble. You’ll be able to eliminate some household waste – like junk mail, used printer paper or old wrapping paper – and create something unique and handmade at the same time.
What You’ll Need:
Waste paper (almost anything will work – just avoid glossy paper like magazines)Water
A blender or food processor An old picture frame Mesh or screen (can be found at a craft store)
Felt, cloth or sponge
A rectangular bin to hold water (a 13” x 9” pan would also work) Decorations like dried flowers, confetti or seeds (optional)
Plenty of instructions exist online for how to make your own paper. The Daily Green offers a straightforward video tutorial, which makes the process easy to understand, and About.com’s Chemistry section has a simple set of written instructions. To give you a general sense of the process, we’ll summarize how it works.
WATCH: How Paper Gets Recycled
Main Steps:
1. Tear the paper into small pieces and put into a blender with warm water. Blend until the mixture becomes a fairly smooth pulp.2. Assemble your “mold”; attach your screen to your frame using duck tape, staples or any other method that will keep the screen affixed to the frame’s edges.
3. Pour the pulp into your bin or pan, then sink the mold into the water mixture. Pull the mold up, and pulp should cover the screen. At this point, you can add decorations. You can even add seeds to make plant-able paper. Be sure to add a little more pulp to cover the decorations so they adhere to the paper.
4. Use a cloth or sponge to press out excess water. Now you need to let the paper dry. You can let it dry on the screen, you can flip the mold over and let your paper dry on another surface, or you can press a cloth into the mold so the paper adheres to it and can dry on the cloth. Any of these options should work. Just be sure to let your paper dry for a day or so.
Check these steps out in action, courtesy of The Daily Green
Q.Why do our paper choices matter?
Ans.Forests are one of our most treasured resources, but they are disappearing at the rate of 20 football fields per second because of pulp and paper production. Nearly 50% of all trees harvested in North America are turned into some type of paper product. Global production in the pulp, paper and publishing sector is expected to increase by 77% from 1995 to 2020, so we must act now to preserve our forests. Using post-consumer recycled paper reduces the need to log forests. Additionally, the paper industry consumes much more than just our forests. Producing paper from virgin fiber is both energy and water intensive, and releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. Using recycled paper measurably reduces these impacts. Every ton of recycled fiber that displaces a ton of virgin fiber results in the following reductions in usage:
- Wood - 100%
- Total energy consumption - 27%
- Waste water - 33%
- Air particulate emissions - 28%
- Solid waste - 54%
Using recycled paper is THE most important step in reducing a magazine’s ecological footprint. Paper accounts for approximately 40% of the solid waste clogging up U.S. landfills, and while recycling has increased in years past, recovered printing and writing grades of paper remain extremely low. Publishers have an opportunity to create the market for ever-increasing rates of recycled office paper.
- Paper was first created in China in 105 AD using a tree bark made into a pulp. It is considered one of their four greatest inventions. More...
- Egypt had used leaves from the papyrus plant as a writing surface as far back as 5,000 B.C., but even though Greeks and Romans continued using papyrus, this was not the real beginning of paper.
- In the middle ages, Europeans changed the formula and began using cloth rags from discarded clothes to make paper.
- The world goes through around 300 million metric tons of paper each year, with the U.S. using approximately 50 million tons.
- Paper recycling started around six centuries ago! Today the world recycles about 160 million tons of paper per year.
- An average tree can yield 2,700 copies of an average daily newspaper.
- Bill Gates says he doesn't use much paper (in this fortune magazine article), however 95% of business information is still stored on paper.
Talking Trash...How to make simple newspaper pots... and reuse !
It’s true -- some of my household’s newspaper never makes it to the curb for collection.
This Spring, our newspapers are serving double-duty when we reuse them as biodegradable plant pots.
To make the pots, you can use wooden paper pot makers. Or... you can simply make pots with the help of another reused item. Spice jars are the ideal size for forming pots for your your initial seed starts. So are tomato paste cans.
I begin my pot making with a page of newspaper.
This Spring, our newspapers are serving double-duty when we reuse them as biodegradable plant pots.
To make the pots, you can use wooden paper pot makers. Or... you can simply make pots with the help of another reused item. Spice jars are the ideal size for forming pots for your your initial seed starts. So are tomato paste cans.
I begin my pot making with a page of newspaper.
I crease the page lengthwise, and tear it in half.
I fold each page-half lengthwise again to form a strip.
Depending on the size of your pot “form”, and the desired height of your pots, you may need to adjust your fold. I like to have a folded edge as the top of my pots, as the fold makes the pot opening sturdier. The bottom of the pot can be a single layer; it will be strong enough. For these pots, I adjusted the fold to cover approximately one-third of my paper piece.
Tuck in the paper edge at the end to close off your pot and make the bottom.
Press your finished pot down against your working surface to flatten the bottom even more.
Slip the pot off of your form... and admire your work!
If your pot bottom unfolds a little, causing your pot to tip over, don’t worry.
In previous years, I have used tape to hold the bottom together. With these tiny pots, I have found that tape is unneeded. When the pot is filled with soil, it stands well on its own. As moisture from the soil soaks into the paper, the bottom will hold together even better.
This year, I’m pre-starting my seeds in napkins before putting them into soil. I put one to two seedlings into each pot.
In my fennel and chard department, there is even more reuse going on. This rusty muffin tin is long past its baking days. However, it’s the perfect holder for paper pots formed around pint-sized canning jars.
Happy Reusing and Gardening.... :) ;) !!!!
Bachhe on Business... !
Donating Flags and caps to children in their classes.
On the occasion of Republic day.
Flags costed Rs. 5 each.
And caps costed Rs.2 each.
And caps costed Rs.2 each.
Recycling of paper
Paper recycling is the process of turning waste paper into new paper product. There are 3 categories of paper that can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper : mill brok , precousmers waste , and post - consumers waste.
The process of paper recycling involves mixing used paper with water and chemicals to break it down . It is then chopped up and heated which breaks it down further into strands of cellulose , a type of organic paper plant material ; this resulting mixture is called pulp or slurry. It is strained through screens, which remove any glue or plastic that may still be made into new paper.
कागज पर कविता
'क' अक्षर से मेरा नाम ,
दुनिया के मैं आऊं काम।
बच्चे बूढ़े और जवान ,
सभी करें मेरा इस्तेमाल।
'क' अक्षर से मेरा नाम ,
दुनिया के मैं आऊं काम।
चाहूँ तो सम्मान दिला दूँ ,
चाहूँ तो पद पर पहुँचा दूँ।
चाहूँ तो सम्मान गिरा दूँ ,
ना जाने मैं क्या करवा दूँ।
'क' अक्षर से मेरा नाम , दुनिया क मैंआऊंकाम।
राष्ट्रपितासे मेरी पहचान ,
नोटों से मेरा सम्मान।
नहीं काम तो मेरा तिरस्कार,
ये है मेरा मनुष्य पर उपकार।
'क' अक्षर से मेरा नाम ,
दुनिया के मैं आऊं काम।।
कवि -
मोहम्मद अब्बास ज़ैदीTEST YOUR BRAIN...... ???????
Q.If a rough copy comes of Rs.30 and after binding a used copy it costs Rs. 5 per copy you bind. How much money will be saved when you use a 5 binded rough copies?
2.Find the percentage of money saved by you if you buy one binded book compared to not binded rough copies.
Bechne Chaley Hum .....
Giving paper bags to Tandon Book Depot
Taking opinion about our work from the people
Our friend Himanshu
giving copies at Oudh Stationary Mart.
giving copies at Oudh Stationary Mart.
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